Thursday 19 November 2015

YouTube videos

this video was uploaded to YouTube by selecting the video from the list of videos on my computer on YouTube and writing a description and adding tags and uploading it to YouTube

these are videos from youtube that i have put in the blog by clicking the thing at the top and choosing a video from youtube these are fail videos so that means they are of idiots doing funny things. i clicked the insert video at the top of the blog and chose a video or 3 from YouTube and added them to the blog

these videos are from different sites than YouTube for example "vine"

Thursday 12 November 2015


examples of the different file types. JPEG, PNG AND GIF sadly PSD wouldn't upload as its not compatible


Thursday 22 October 2015

Thursday 15 October 2015

what i have done today

today i have finished my health and safety blog and done some more research on it

i only need to do task 6 and 7 now so i will do that next week.

heath and safety in media

Thursday 1 October 2015

interesting blogs

here are some interesting informative blogs that INFORM, ADVERTISE, EDUCATE

the cars in the pictures are a lambourghini aventador and a nissan GT-R
the nissan GT-R is my favorite car its my dream car and the lambourghini is ok if you want any more information on cars please read the blogs i have published

Thursday 24 September 2015

Nissan GT-R blog my favourite car
i love this video it's brilliant the animation is amazing and its a brilliant story about paper waste and deforestation.